Cannabis and CBC
Browse the latest research linking medical marijuana / medicinal cannabis and Cannabichromene (CBC) (a cannabinoid)

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Cannabichromene (CBC), also called cannabichrome, cannanbichromene, pentylcannabichromene or cannabinochromene, is one of the 120 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant. [Wikipedia]
Click on a study title below to open a new tab with full article, or click on a compound to see it's full list of research.
Compounds Topics Title Date
CBC anti-inflamatory in vitro The cannabinoid TRPA1 agonist cannabichromene inhibits nitric oxide production in macrophages and ameliorates murine colitis May 2013
Cannabichromene exerts anti-inflammatory actions in activated macrophages - with tonic CB1 cannabinoid signalling being negatively coupled to this effect - and ameliorates experimental murine colitis.
CBD,CBG,CBC cancer,breast cancer in vitro Antitumor activity of plant cannabinoids with emphasis on the effect of cannabidiol on human breast carcinoma. May 2006
Results obtained in a panel of tumor cell lines clearly indicate that, of the five natural compounds tested, cannabidiol is the most potent inhibitor of cancer cell growth (IC(50) between 6.0 and 10.6 microM), with significantly lower potency in noncancer cells. The cannabidiol-rich extract was equipotent to cannabidiol, whereas cannabigerol and cannabichromene followed in the rank of potency.
CBN,CBD,CBC,THC,CBN anti-bacterial in vitro anti-bacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study. August 2008
All five major cannabinoids (cannabidiol (1b), cannabichromene (2), cannabigerol (3b), Delta (9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (4b), and cannabinol (5)) showed potent activity against a variety of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains of current clinical relevance
CBC anti-inflamatory in mice Inhibitory effect of cannabichromene, a major non-psychotropic cannabinoid extracted from Cannabis sativa, on inflammation-induced hypermotility in mice. Jun 2012
CBC selectively reduces inflammation-induced hypermotility in vivo in a manner that is not dependent on cannabinoid receptors or TRPA1.
CBD,CBN,CBC pain in rats Cannabidiol, cannabinol and their combinations act as peripheral analgesics in a rat model of myofascial pain May 2019
These results suggest that peripheral application of these non-psychoactive cannabinoids may provide analgesic relief for chronic muscle pain disorders such as temporomandibular disorders and fibromyalgia without central side effects.
CBC,THC pain in mice Neurobehavioral actions of cannabichromene and interactions with delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. 1983
CBC had a weak analgetic action in mice; THC had a moderate and lengthy effect, which was potentiated at 2 hr by concurrent CBC. Both CBC (10-75 mg/kg, i.p.) and THC (20 mg/kg) reduced motility of mice, the THC equalling the highest dose of CBC.
CBC anti-inflamatory in vitro,mice Anti-inflammatory properties of cannabichromene Jun 1980
CBC was tested in vivo using the rat paw edema test and in vitro using the erythrocyte membrane stabilization assay. CBC was as effective as phenylbutazone (PBZ) at equivalent doses.